We design and manufacture specialised upgrades to enhance Hitachi equipment. Our thermal blankets equip fleets with unparalleled safety. Our tailor-made blanket kits provide essential fire mitigation for your workers and machines.

Your Hitachi mining assets can benefit from our custom-designed exhaust upgrades. We offer improved exhaust systems by eliminating OEM stress zones and extending exhaust lifecycles. Our purpose-built exhausts enhance productivity on Hitachi excavators and dump trucks.

We can help you with your sound suppression frustrations too. Our innovative noise-compliance approach solves many problems. We excel at project management, improving engine bay access, and reducing weight. We’re reliable for spare parts and post-installation support too.

#aletek exhaustsystems #lagging #thermalinsulation #noisecontrol #hitachi


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Maybe you want to upgrade your fleet to reduce downtime. We’ve got dedicated Business Development Managers to help you meet your onsite goals. Get in touch to learn more and ask about our site-specific parts catalogues.

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