Dedicated point of contact for sites
Our dedicated product experts and account managers can assist you with installation and technical support. We offer fleet audits, thermal imaging services, 3D scanning and measure-ups. Our individualised blanket parts catalogues help you order blanket kits more efficiently. Detailed part drawings and fitting sequences are included in these catalogues.
Installing Aletek blankets
Fitting new blankets is made easier with our comprehensive suite of resources. Maintenance teams frequently rave about our in-depth Blanket Installation Guide and cheat sheets. Support options may include on-site training sessions or video resources. For technical assistance, we have a team of experts on hand.
There may be on-site installation options available in your region. We regularly install thermal blankets on new assets for prominent OEMs in Brisbane. Our team includes personnel in the Bowen Basin and Hunter Valley and national contractors, including the Pilbara.
Fleet condition audits for fire mitigation
Our fleet audits can protect your fleet from fire and educate your crews about best practices. We offer on-site fleet health checks to identify fire hazards and exhaust-related problems. A fire risk assessment can identify issues such as deteriorating lagging, gaps, hotspots, evidence of exhaust leaks, and oil-soaked blankets that may cause a fire.
As with tyres, lagging should be checked regularly, repositioned, and changed when deteriorating. Our blanket kits are ideal for both asset fit-outs and engine rebuilds. We will work with you to align replacement blanket kits with the timing needs of your engine rebuild. Why leave your multimillion-dollar assets at risk of engine fire?
Thermal evaluation services may be available to diagnose heating problems and identify potential fire hazards. Depending on the situation, thermal imaging and temperature measurements can provide more insights. Don’t hesitate to contact your Business Development Manager to learn if this option is available at your site.
Additional on-site blanket services
Depending on the project, we can provide 3D scanning and measurement services. For example, we have measured and designed solutions for large generators, pump facilities, and sound suppression systems. Other site-based thermal lagging services are also available.