Happy World Health Day ! This year’s theme for World Health Day 2022 is ‘Our Planet, Our Health’.
Many health problems are caused by our environment, whether that be at home, or at work. There are many ways to prevent these issues, including regular exercise, eating healthy, and avoiding/reducing harmful pollutants in your day-to-day life.
At Aletek, we dedicate ourselves to creating safety within workspaces, big or small. An example of our commitment to safety is our Diesel Particulate Filter range. We aid our planet by reducing harmful DPM from escaping diesel engines.
Diesel Particulate Matter can cause a number of short-term and long-term health effects, including worsening of existing conditions, development of new conditions, and even cancers. We make every effort to ensure that workspaces are as safe as possible.
What do you do to keep your health and our planet healthy?
- See our DPF section to learn more about our specialised range
- For more information on World Health Day 2022, please visit the WHO website
#aletek #worldhealthday #ourplanetourhealth #DPF #DPM #workplacehealth